It’s Time to Speak Out about Sexual Abuse

It’s Time.

Should we Be Concerned that Culture Creators Are Engaging in Sexual Abuse?”  The latest headlines have been disturbing. It’s a nauseating trend that needs to be exposed. I’m glad that we’re finally talking about the sexual abuse that goes on in Hollywood(and elsewhere). It’s time to stop the silence. Patrick Trueman President and CEO of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation(NCOSE) said this:  ”The news drip day after day of powerful men in society who have sexually exploited vulnerable females is turning into a flood.  I have a feeling that things are soon to explode here in Washington as rumors circulate about top politicians about to be outed.  Nor have we heard the last from Hollywood.  One prominent actress said that she will name names – when her anger subsides.  The Harvey Weinstein scandal brought to the surface the hurts of many actresses, and actors, and many throughout society.  Most are not ready to speak.  But as more do, more will. This is a very good development.  The sexual exploitation of any human being is a tragedy and those exploited should have their day.  The National Center on Sexual Exploitation is strongly encouraging Hollywood, the political world, and corporate America to use this moment in time to examine the cultural factors that give rise to sexual entitlement and then make profound and lasting changes.” I’m proud to be working with this organization as they speak out on the sexual abuses in our culture.


How about you? Now is the right time. Don’t stay silent. Speak out and expose inappropriate sexual behavior where you live. The continual flow of news stories are touching an organic nerve from soul to sole. People want to talk about sexual abuse. They also want to be educated about it. For instance, I saw that the Miami Northwestern Senior High School’s dance team’s costumes have been stirring up controversy. Ugh.  I believe the costumes are too sexy for young students. Look below and tell me what you think.

None of us can do everything but all of us can do something. Here’s an idea. Go onto the website under DA:NCE(dance awareness: no child exploited)  and take a look at the dance studio toolkit. It has the steps you can take to approach a dance studio owner with research(all free on my website) to educate owners and adults in your community about the use of inappropriate costumes, choreography and music for children under 12. After a bit of discussion, why not encourage a dance studio owner to join Y.P.A.D.(youth protection advocates in dance)? Y.P.A.D. has incredible resources for dancers and dance studios ranging from information about dance standards to music choices(and so much more).

As for me? I have a number of speaking engagements for DA:NCE that I’m excited about in 2018. In January I have been invited to the CDEA(California Dance Educators Association) State Conference held in Santa Clara. In February, I have been asked to speak on DA:NCE at the California State CAHPERD(California health physical education recreation and dance) Conference in Oakland.


It’s important that we engage in the culture around us and speak out to protect children from sexual objectification as well as adults. Think through what you can do and DO it.

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DA:NCE is a nonpartisan, unifying organization that welcomes input from any individual that values protecting children from hypersexualization in adult costumes, choreography and music inside and outside dance environments.