Dancing For Donations

One of the goals of the DA:NCE is to highlight organizations we feel embody healthy dance. We are pleased to present: Dancing For Donations, located in Tampa Bay, FL. As a 501c3 nonprofit dance studio, our mission is to make dance more available to all ages and abilities in the Tampa Bay Area area and […]
What Non-Corporate, Non-Commercial, Non-Competitive Dance means for Children and the Adult Dancers they will Become

By Kristin Kusanovich, Senior Lecturer, Santa Clara University, Artistic Director, k2dance, San Jose, Past President CDEA, California Dance Education Association When I was volunteering at a carnival at my daughter’s school a couple of years ago, I found myself with time and space to think. I was stationed at the dessert booth with a great […]
Army of Survivors: From Healthy to Harmful Dance

by Grace French As a survivor of child sexual abuse, a dancer, an advocate, and the founder of a national non-profit focusing on preventing and responding to sexual violence in sport, DA:NCE’s mission immediately stood out to me. I started dance at 5, fascinated by the twirling ballerinas, tutus, and scarves I had seen on […]