‘She Loves to Move’ and move and move

2023-10-29T23:40:32+00:00October 26th, 2023|Benefits of Dance, Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

  It's time for healthy dance to get the spotlight with ‘She Loves to Move.’ It’s been a very special yearlong celebration…and we’ve found out what we already knew: a child really does love to move and move and move. The profound lyrics of the song demonstrate this: “She loves to move. Poetry in motion,

Dance and the Child International Conference(daCi) 2022

2023-02-13T19:20:20+00:00July 25th, 2022|Benefits of Dance, Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

I consistently say that the solution to harmful dance is healthy dance. Today is special because I get to back up that claim and introduce you to a wonderful dance organization: daCi(dance for the child international)! The 2022 daCi conference, organized by Norma Sue Fisher-Stitt of York University Canada and Nancy Francis of Brock University

DA:NCE with Youth Protection Advocates in Dance(YPAD)

2023-02-13T19:22:46+00:00October 25th, 2021|Benefits of Dance, Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited, Healthy Dance Studio, YPAD|

If you love dance and children, you need to know about this organization. “YPAD courses are the foremost, research based, educational courses for dance professionals and the dance industry as a whole. The intention of Youth Protection Advocates in Dance® is to provide dance professionals with the skills and resources to protect and develop healthy,

Why Dance Education Matters

2023-02-13T19:28:32+00:00September 2nd, 2019|Benefits of Dance, Guest Blogger|

By Judith Lynne Hanna, Ph.D. Many arguments for dance education have been made. For example, certainly students in dance may acquire skill sets that serve them in myriad of ways, develop embodied knowledge and kinesthetic connections, and become gainfully employed. But the most important reason to offer dance education in schools and universities as well

CAHPERD: Cultural Trends

2023-02-13T19:29:36+00:00February 28th, 2019|Benefits of Dance, Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

  It was a joy to attend and speak in Anaheim at the 2019 CAHPERD(California Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance) Conference. Their educational foundation emphasized current cultural trends about the importance of body health. That provoked me to think about an LA Times article from August 19, 2018 that I read last summer which

How to DANCE

2023-02-13T19:29:41+00:00January 24th, 2019|Benefits of Dance, General/Personal|

How to DANCE? Go to a CDEA (California Dance Educators Association) conference to enjoy incredible expertise about ‘How to DA:NCE(you know Dance Awareness: no child exploited)’. In January I spoke at UC Fullerton for the 2019 State Conference and was welcomed by teachers who love dance and who love their students. From the opening with

Ebook Release: Healthy or Harmful Children’s Dance

2023-02-13T19:30:36+00:00September 1st, 2018|Benefits of Dance, Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

              How can concerned parents or concerned adults know if their child’s dance studio teaches healthy, educational dance or unhealthy, sexualized dance? The answer to this practical question is clarified in a free ebook that I have written. ‘Healthy or Harmful Children’s Dance’ combines my last 4 DA:NCE blogs

How to Pick a Healthy Dance Studio

2023-02-13T19:30:59+00:00June 1st, 2018|Benefits of Dance, Choreography, Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

Once a year most studios plan a dance recital to celebrate a year of student maturity, growth, and technique in their dance classes. It’s a lot of fun when children present the joy of what they have learned coupled with wonderful music, artistic costumes and age-appropriate choreography!  Woo-hoo! I just got back from Alabama where

Spiderman and IT Transformation

2023-02-13T19:31:17+00:00March 16th, 2018|Benefits of Dance, Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

     I really enjoyed attending the State CAHPERD Conference in Oakland. I flew up there on Thursday February 22 with my husband (he came as my helper; thanks Rich); of course, I had a passion for the subject matter I spoke on: Children's Dance: Educational or Sexualized (the topic on my website from DA:NCE-dance

CDEA 2018 Statewide Conference in Santa Clara: Moving Bodies/Changing Minds

2023-02-13T19:31:23+00:00February 14th, 2018|Benefits of Dance, Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

I left Redlands on Friday January 22 for the California Dance Educator's Association Conference(CDEA) feeling a bit apprehensive. On the other hand, I was rested and healthy. Moreover, the main thing was the main thing. Right? I was prepared to speak on ‘Children’s Dance: Educational or Sexualized’ and I had my hand-outs ready. So what

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