About marybawden

As a dance educator, Mary Bawden loves dance and its researched benefits. In 2016, she founded DA:NCE which advocates for the protection of children, from hypersexualization in adult costumes choreography and music, as well as the art form of dance. In 2003, she founded Soul to Sole Choreography which provides concrete tools for communicating the gospel using the language of movement. Mary lives in Redlands, CA with her husband Richard. She loves to create children’s books for her grandchildren, eat Snickers, and watch Dodger games.

A History of DA:NCE: healthy, educational children’s dance to harmful, hypersexualized children’s dance

2024-06-11T17:55:15+00:00February 24th, 2022|Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

“There has been a cultural shift from healthy, educational children’s dance to harmful, hypersexualized children’s dance at younger and younger ages. The art of children’s dance has been high-jacked.” Mary Bawden was a little girl who wanted to dance. I dreamed about it. All the time. I begged my mother for lessons. All the time.

Make a Difference: Donate to DA:NCE

2023-02-13T19:22:40+00:00November 17th, 2021|Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

“If dance wants to be shown (and to earn) equal respect, status, focus and funding with all of the other arts, we should take a look at how far off the track we are.”(source) Kristin Kusanovich, Senior Lecturer, Santa Clara University, Artistic Director, k2dance, San Jose, Past President CDEA, California Dance Education Association November 2021.

DA:NCE with Youth Protection Advocates in Dance(YPAD)

2023-02-13T19:22:46+00:00October 25th, 2021|Benefits of Dance, Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited, Healthy Dance Studio, YPAD|

If you love dance and children, you need to know about this organization. “YPAD courses are the foremost, research based, educational courses for dance professionals and the dance industry as a whole. The intention of Youth Protection Advocates in Dance® is to provide dance professionals with the skills and resources to protect and develop healthy,

CESE Summit: Healthy or Harmful: National Experts Talk About Children’s Dance

2023-02-13T19:23:10+00:00August 24th, 2021|Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

It happened slowly so I didn’t know it happened. I was 7 years old and everything was a blur. I thought that it was normal until the eye doctor tested my eyes and told my parents that I was almost legally blind. Perspective is everything. If you had asked me, I would have told you

Introducing ‘Wholesome to Hypersexualized: What Happened to Children’s Dance?’

2023-02-13T19:23:20+00:00June 25th, 2021|Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

So much to share. On June 12, 2021, DA:NCE released a new video resource titled ’Wholesome to Hypersexualized: What Happened to Children's Dance?' Perfect timing. 3 groups requested this resource when my schedule didn’t allow for me to speak to them personally. The film is 6 ½ minutes long and explains why I was called to

DA:NCE releases a new website resource: ‘Internet Sense First: Online Protection for Dance Students’

2023-02-13T19:23:53+00:00April 22nd, 2021|Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

It's a privilege to introduce you to Internet Sense First, an organization designed to educate and certify parents with online protection for children. Watch the new DA:NCE resource with Internet Sense First that we just posted on our website with Canadian Author and Founder/CEO Charlene Doak-Gebauer; we have created this film to understand the correlation

State CAHPERD Conference features ‘Healthy or Harmful Dance’ + Hip-Hop + Grammys

2023-02-13T19:23:59+00:00March 27th, 2021|Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

I’ve had a month of going back to school. It was exciting to speak on ‘Healthy or Harmful Dance: What Do the Experts Say?’ at the online California Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance State  Conference. CAHPERD is a state affiliate of SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators) which is a national educator organization.

What Do the Experts Say: DA:NCE releases 25 Short Media Spots

2023-02-13T19:24:07+00:00February 23rd, 2021|Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited|

“The ballet, tap, and musical theatre items were impressive but, about halfway through the program, I found myself watching two 8-year-old girls strut around the stage. Their tight tops and low-waisted short skirts exposed them from ribs to hips. They ran their hands suggestively over a young boy’s shoulders and wiggled their hips as he

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