
What Non-Corporate, Non-Commercial, Non-Competitive Dance means for Children and the Adult Dancers they will Become

January 17th, 2021|Guest Blogger|

By Kristin Kusanovich, Senior Lecturer, Santa Clara University, Artistic Director, k2dance, San Jose, Past President CDEA, California Dance Education Association When I was volunteering at a carnival at my daughter’s school a couple of years


September 22nd, 2020|Healthy Dance Studio|

One of the goals of the DA:NCE is to highlight organizations we feel embody healthy dance. We are pleased to present: DANCE 101, located in Tempe, Arizona. DANCE 101 takes great pride in offering quality


As awareness grows, more and more concerned adults like you are speaking out against the normalization of hypersexualized children’s dance. Join us and start making a difference.

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